Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thailand opposes lower Mekong

I choose this article because itis important for Thai people. The Chinese government’s plan to build 12 hydropower dams on the top of Mekong river.
Thailand’s representatives have opposed them because the dams would destroy the river’s ecosystem. Prasarn Maruekpithak, chairman of the sub-committee for studying value, development and its impact on the Mekong River basin was invited by the Mekong River Commission to attend a workshop in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.

More than 100 representatives from Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and observers from China attended. They came to do the workshop. The workshop was aimed at assessing environmental strategies to deal with negative impacts likely to cause by China’s 12 hydro-electric dams projects.


I think, Chinese government shouldn't build the dams because it make a bad environment to the countries that lower the dams. It cause the habit of people, who live near the Mekong river is changing, fisher mans can't catch fishes, native can't use the water to do anythings because the dams cause the water level in Mekong river is lower. It is a big problem. Many countries that near the Mekong river is be in the trouble. Now, dams on the upper part of the Mekong River have already destroyed the river’s ecosystem. I think it is really bad for many countries.

Link for Thailand opposes lower Mekong dams

1 comment:

  1. it is a good concern in terms of how to protect our ecosystem, I am grad you have your own critical thinking (3)
